I have been putting some hay out in a corner of their paddock, so the girls have one, small area that they wander out to, but it's time for them to expand their environment.
Little Rosie discovered that she is light enough to walk on TOP of the crust of the snow! She was a great helper as I slowly shoveled a path....

"Follow me Mom! I'll show you where to shovel!"

"You're not going to stop HERE, are you Mom???? There's still a whole lot of snow out there!!"

Sorry girls, I'm tired. I'm starting to try to come out of my 'hibernation' but I'm only able to take baby steps. If I try to do too much, too quickly, I get scared and run back into my cave. I know that spending time outside, in the fresh air and sunshine, with my sheep was definitely good for me!

Bravo doesn't look like he's suffering TOO much....

Dream says.....