The past couple of months have been rough. I've been to some pretty dark places. With the love and support of family and friends (thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!), I think I've finally turned the corner and am ready to look toward the future with something other than sheer terror. In fact, I'm actually looking forward with anticipation!
Before I look too far ahead though, I want to pay tribute to 2006. Can you believe I'm saying that????? I MUST be feeling better...
2006 was the year that my dream of multiple HST lambs came true. I was blessed with Dream and Wish, Trinity, Crescendo, Finale and Kokomo! To say that I was thrilled with the markings and quality of this year's lambs would be a HUGE understatement. And of course, Dream has come to hold a VERY special place in my heart.

Saying goodbye to my sheep is always hard, but I made some wonderful new friends with people that bought sheep from me this year. Friends I hope will always be part of my life.
Speaking of new friends: How about those KITTENS????
My wonderful Daisy and her sister Lily never fail to make me smile....if not outright LAUGH. They are a HOOT! I think doctors and psychologists should seriously consider prescribing kittens to people suffering from depression...

In addition to my animals and friends bringing me great joy in 2006, my children have been, as usual, incredible. I never cease to be amazed by how loving and kind (and PATIENT!) my oldest daughter is. Watching my son mature into a strong, wise, young man is VERY heartwarming, and Katie ~ my Beautiful Baby Girl ~ and my trip to Italy is more that I ever even dreamed of! Watching the three of them stand together as they bid good-bye to their father (my ex-husband, who passed away, earlier this month) I couldn't have possibly been more proud of anything.
2006 wasn't all that bad. In fact it has some downright magical moments. I am truly blessed with the most wonderful children and the world's greatest friends, as well as a heartwarming menagerie of four-footed soul mates. So, I say goodbye to 2006. I'm looking forward to 2007. I know that there are still some very difficult issues to work through ~ but I know that I can do it. With a little help from my family and friends....

Dream says....

..."Did you MISS me???"