Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Tomorrow is March first. I'll post the March photo from my "REAL sheep wear SHETLAND wool" calendar. In the meantime, I've struggled and struggled, trying to figure out how to add a picture to my profile. Usually, when I try to put a picture someplace, I see a little box that offers me the option to "browse" my computer for the photo. The blog editing software only tells me to put in the URL for the photo. URL? For a PICTURE???? Anyway....I finally figured it out. Took a picture off my web site. It's a shot of me with some of my lambs from last spring. I do so love the babies. ALMOST as much as I love their moms... ;-)

March is a time of anticipation and building excitement, in the Bluff Country. We'll have our flock sheared on Saturday, March 25. Visitors are welcome!!! Let me know if you'd like to attend (and HELP OUT!) our shearing. Once everyone is shorn, I can really see how the girls are looking, in regards to how pregnant they look. I'll bed the barn with nice, deep, clean, fresh straw, to keep them warm after they give up their fleece. I think I'll post pictures of each of the sheep, during March so viewers of this blog have an idea of what fleeces might be for sale. It will also tie in with "introducing" my flock to you.

I'll leave you with another sheep in the snow picture. This one shows "Paco" trudging through chest deep snow to get to his water bucket. Now, Shetlands are supposed to be a hardy breed. And my girls DO tend to eat snow (as opposed to drinking water) when it is available. Of course, the girls also sleep outside, even during a snow storm. But not my boys! Nope. They've got to have a heated bucket of water or they'd die of thirst! And anything other than perfect weather sends them scampering for their barn.

The wusses ;-)

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Virginia and Angie (Kim won't let me take her picture!)

I had the most awesome birthday! That's because I have the most wonderful friends anybody could ask for. Besides the wonderful birthday wishes that I got, via e-mail, Kim, Angie & Virginia all came to my house (and brought food & WINE!) for an afternoon of fun. We did some spinning, knitting, chatting and, of course, visiting with the SHEEP. Kim gave me the most incredible birthday gift....That's THREE skeins of "Knit Picks" SHADOW yarn in the Sunset colorway! Absolutely beautiful. AND the Peacock Feathers Shawl pattern, from "Fiddlesticks Knitting"...AND a set of "Bryspun" flexible, knitting needles AND a box of Chocolates! Talk about spoiled (me ~ not the chocolate!) She also made the most incredible chocolate cake, with whipped cream frosting, with toffee bits & hot caramel sauce.....to DIE for!!!

My dear friend, Angie also came, bearing gifts. that's 2 oz. of TUSSAH SILK and an ounce of "Firestar" and a package of "Irish bread mix"! Time for me to get carding some wool up! Angie also brought a cake. Yup, TWO CAKES!! As it turned out, Angie's Angelfood cake, with Raspberries & whipped cream, was the perfect finish to a perfect meal. All though, I must confess, I ate too much ;-) Virginia brought cheese & crackers and veggies & dip and wine and wine and wine.... I made up a roast (lamb!) with potatoes and carrots and we really feasted. Cake for breakfast this morning!! And for those who are wondering: No, I did not have a hangover ;-)
Now, I'm off to spend the day with my kids! I wish this weekend could last forever....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Another year older...

And it doesn't bother me ONE BIT! Yup, today's my birthday. AND the end of the "name that blog contest". I want to thank everyone who made suggestions. There were some really good ones! I fear this may be a bit "anti-climactic", but I've decided to stay with "A Shepherd's Voice". I should have known that would happen. The other possibility that I very seriously considered was "The Opinionated Shepherdess". To those of you (if there are, indeed, any of you!) who are NOT into knitting, that name would be a take off on Elizabeth Zimmerman's "The Opinionated Knitter". I thought it would tie the sheepy part and the knitting part of my blog, nicely. But, once Kim made me that button...."A Shepherd's Voice" just couldn't be changed.

Speaking of Kim, she and Angie (another sheep/knitting friend) are on their way here! They decided that if I wouldn't go up to the Twin Cities, to see them this weekend, they'd come here. What wonderful friends! Kim's even bringing a birthday cake! My daughter brought back my camera so I'll try to get some pictures today...

Speaking of pictures... My 2007 Calendars are in!! They turned out beautifully (if I DO say so myself!). I used the close-up, headshot of Paco for the cover and each month has a full color, suitable for framing, photo of one of my Shetlands taken during that time of the year. I'll post photos of each month's picture as we go through the year. Since we're already into February, I'll share the cover, January and February with you NOW:

I'll post the new photo-of-the-month on the first of each month. It's easy, now that I've figured out how to use my scanner! Who ever said you can't teach an old dog (shepherdess!) new tricks???

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I spent a good deal of time on the computer, last night, with my good friend,Kim, who helped me make a button for my blog. It's my very favorite picture of my very favorite sheep: "Highland Hollow ALICE".

Alice is the ewe that decided that I would have Shetland sheep. Once I met her, there was no turning back. She claimed me. Alice was for sale because she was not friendly towards her shepherdess. But, for some reason, known only to Alice, she decided that she loved me! She came right up to me for petting and didn't let any of Jane's other sheep draw my attention. She is my friend. My heart. My spirit. This ewe has a sense of dignity and serenity and wisdom that makes me feel that all is (or will be!) right with the world. She keeps me centered. Can you tell I'm rather fond of Alice? ;-)

This lovely lady has given me numerous exceptional quality lambs. In fact, the beautiful, black, ram in yesterday's post is her son, "Skittles"! I'm hoping for a daughter to keep this year...

Here's the button that we designed (THANK YOU KIM!!)

Monday, February 20, 2006


I thought I'd show you a couple more shots of Shetland Sheep in the Snow. Seeing as it is February...as Elaine would say: "the armpit of winter" ;-)

I had such a wonderful weekend! In addition to getting my Blog on-line. My youngest daughter came out for a visit and two friends came over, yesterday, to spin. One of them, Julie, brought along her brand new, Roberta, electric SPINNER and left it for me to use! She doesn't have time to spin and doesn't really know how to, so the plan is for me to learn to use the electric and then teach her. Yeah, like I'm ever going to willingly give it up!!! But Julie's welcome to come visit it whenever she wants to. I would post a picture of it, but my dd took my camera back with her. Next week...

Now I'm coming down with a head cold. Never fear: there's chicken simmering in a pot on the stove. Home-made chicken soup will have me feeling better in no time! I just wish I didn't have to be the one to make it ;-

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thank you!

What a great first day in Blogdom!! Thank you all for the comments (both on here and sent to me via e-mail). I tried to reply to a couple of the comments but can't find a way to do so, other than posting on here. I thought maybe I could click on the name of the person who commented and it would e-mail them but it doesn't. Just takes me to their profile (which is interesting in its self) but no way to contact them. There probably IS a way...I just haven't figured it out yet.
Want another pretty picture? Here's one of my favorites. I have a 16 x 20 of this, framed and hanging in our hallway.

I took this picture, in March of 2005. On the day that we were scheduled to have our flock sheared! Needless to say, we rescheduled shearing. Not as much snow now but bitter cold. We set a record low temperature, for the date, yesterday with 24 degrees below zero. My sheep are all still in full fleece and don't seem to mind a bit! I do tend to give them a bit more hay though...

Several people have mentioned that the black background on this blog makes reading the text difficult. Perhaps I'll experiment around with some different backgrounds over the next few days. Let me know what you like! As far as the "name this blog contest", we've had a few good suggestions. The vast majority, thus far, seem to think I should just keep it "A Shepherd's Voice". I actually thought up another one, this afternoon, while doing the dishes. I can't tell you about it yet...have to wait until the contest ends (Feb. 25). But it's really good and ties in both sheep and knitting. I'm curious to see if anyone else comes up with the same suggestion.


It has been brought to my attention that "A Shepherd's Voice" sounds like a church bulletin. In the interest of open-mindedness, I am willing to hold a name that blog contest and entertain suggestions for a new (better, more appropriate, more memorable?) name for this blog. If you would like to make a suggestion for a new name, just enter it in the comments section after any post. I'll pick a winner (of an as-yet-to-be-determined wonderful prize) next Saturday *which just happens to be my birthday!* February 25th.

Now, my dear friend, Kim has pointed out that if I change the name of my blog, I'll have to change the ADDRESS too. That's OK. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it ;-) I'm sure someone will have the wisdom to tell me how I can do that and still stay in touch with all my loyal readers.....

oh that's right; I don't HAVE any loyal readers. Yet

Blog on!

In the beginning...

I've been wanting to create a blog for quite some time. I'm finally going to take the plunge but am a bit timid about doing so. Therefore, I will keep this little piece of the Internet to myself, until (or IF) I decide that it might be of interest to others. For now, I shall play around with the settings and options and try to learn about this "blogging business". Computers are not my forte ;-) So, I'll play with colors and fonts and backgrounds and what ever else there is to explore until I, hopefully, create something worth sharing...(that is, if I don't self destruct in the process!)


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