Tomorrow is March first. I'll post the March photo from my "REAL sheep wear SHETLAND wool" calendar. In the meantime, I've struggled and struggled, trying to figure out how to add a picture to my profile. Usually, when I try to put a picture someplace, I see a little box that offers me the option to "browse" my computer for the photo. The blog editing software only tells me to put in the URL for the photo. URL? For a PICTURE???? Anyway....I finally figured it out. Took a picture off my web site. It's a shot of me with some of my lambs from last spring. I do so love the babies. ALMOST as much as I love their moms... ;-)
March is a time of anticipation and building excitement, in the Bluff Country. We'll have our flock sheared on Saturday, March 25. Visitors are welcome!!! Let me know if you'd like to attend (and HELP OUT!) our shearing. Once everyone is shorn, I can really see how the girls are looking, in regards to how pregnant they look. I'll bed the barn with nice, deep, clean, fresh straw, to keep them warm after they give up their fleece. I think I'll post pictures of each of the sheep, during March so viewers of this blog have an idea of what fleeces might be for sale. It will also tie in with "introducing" my flock to you.
I'll leave you with another sheep in the snow picture. This one shows "Paco" trudging through chest deep snow to get to his water bucket. Now, Shetlands are supposed to be a hardy breed. And my girls DO tend to eat snow (as opposed to drinking water) when it is available. Of course, the girls also sleep outside, even during a snow storm. But not my boys! Nope. They've got to have a heated bucket of water or they'd die of thirst! And anything other than perfect weather sends them scampering for their barn.