Sunday, November 12, 2006

Drought ahead.....

I just want to give those of you who read this blog, regularly, a 'heads up'. I'm probably not going to post for a few days. I'm just not feeling like posting. The truth is, I don't feel like doing much of anything. I'm tired. And sad. And scared. And, I suppose, I am struggling with depression. This is something I've battled in the past and I do take medication for it. I will stick with my medication and see my doctor if I need more help. I think it's perfectly understandable that I be feeling depressed right now. I'll get through it.

But in the meantime, I'm tired. All I want to do is sleep. And knit ;-) I have a ton of paperwork I've got to fill out, regarding finances, for the divorce and I need to get my bills paid. But I can't find the notebook that I keep all of my on-line passwords in. That's how I pay all my bills. And I can't do it without the passwords. I don't know if Don took it ~ or if I HID it, so he couldn't take it... ;-( Gonna need that bracelet pretty soon.... (inside joke)
Dream says....

...."Don't worry folks, Rosie and I will keep an eye on Mom. She'll be back to her feisty, witty self, before you know it!"


  1. Just want to send you my best.
    Wish I could help you.
    I would be there as fast as my little wagon could get me there!
    Cathy in Maple Grove, MN

  2. Sending good thoughts your way.

  3. You take whatever time you need, Nancy. Your friends will, and do, understand.
    We'll still keep the good thoughts headed your way.
    And we're just a phone call away if you need to talk.
    Many hugs.....

  4. Nancy-
    Of course we all support you and are thinking of you - if you need the time and space, why of course, take it. But dont' go too long without communicating - we'll worry. And part of battling depression is keeping the lines of communication open....

    And of course, there's knitting...what are you working on?

  5. I check your blog often and I hope everything falls into place soon and you can look back at this as a bad memory and move on. Go out and enjoy your farm and animals and let the peace fall over you. Remember you are not alone.

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    All is said above. Warm wishes to you Nancy.

  7. Nancy, all the best to you as you deal with this difficult period in life. I know that you really are a strong person and will get through this.

  8. Anonymous7:26 PM


    You are wise to give yourself some space--hope you find everything you need and know we're all thinking of you and with you. See your e-mail for some baby pictures!




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