Have you ever seen the T.V. show: "Touched By an Angel?" That's how I feel about today. I feel like my life was "touched by an angel". Two of them, actually.

That's Corrine, in the back of her truck with Rocky, Nestle and Cowboy. Doesn't she
look like an angel? Corrine and her sister, Marie, came to pick up Rocky ~ who is destined to be Corrine's flock sire. Technically, Marie came along to meet Dream. How cool is
These sisters are two of the nicest people I've ever met. I am so lucky to find such incredible new homes for the sheep I sell! Corrine & Marie and I chatted like old friends. I can't believe how I opened up to them. By the end of the day, it was official....I am now, officially, one of their
sisters! ;-) I love these girls !

Poor Cowboy was so distraught when he heard that Corrine had decided to take Nestle, as well as Rocky, that he ran away! My new sisters and I were visiting in the house when my doorbell rang. It was some man, stopping to tell me that there was a black sheep trotting down the road! We grabbed the animal crackers and a halter and jumped into my Jeep. Cowboy was circling the pasture, trying to figure out how to get back IN. He came trotting right up to Corrine as soon as she called him.

As I drove back up the driveway in my Jeep, Marie and Corrine walked the wayward Rhinestone Cowboy back home...Somehow, he ended up in the back of their truck! ;-)

What a wonderful day. We sat out in the pasture with the girls for hours (?). Long enough for my face to get
sunburned anyway!

After a wonderful afternoon (topped off by fresh from the oven, still warm, apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, it was time for my two new sisters to head for home. They wanted to get back before dark and had about a 4 hour drive ahead of them.
I just have to say: I have met
THE nicest, most caring, compassionate, kindest, most empathetic, wonderfully fantastic friends through my Shetland sheep. Many thanks to ALL of you! I am truly blessed...
P.S. After Corrine and Marie left, I put my breeding groups together. ALL BY MYSELF!! Everything went very smoothly, but I am feeling very guilty. Dream hasn't been WEANED yet!!! She's never been kept away from her mother before. She keeps calling and calling for Zodiak. I am a BAD shepherd...
Dream says...

......"I'm not too happy with Mom, right now. That Diamond is OK as long as he stays over THERE and leaves me and Rosie alone!"
I'm completey exhausted, but SMILING now. I think I'll put my weary body and sunburned face to bed early tonight. Feeling HAPPY.... (except for poor Dream!)