Sunday, September 21, 2008


I worked too damned hard!

I overdosed on work.

I am a woman ~ Not a machine!

I slept a lot today...

I may never participate in physical labor again.

DREAM says...

"Mom fed us HAY today!"


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It's close to the end of the day for me.....the pictures of the sleeping cat in the wool is making me drowsy...eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.... It's all your fault, Nancy.:-)
    PS: Happy Autumn Equinox

  2. That's just too sweet! I got out of all my work today. The weather wasn't right for shearing and I didn't want to risk illness in the herd.

    Thank you for sharing such sweet commentary is, as always, great and makes all of us smile.

  3. Awwwww. Those kitty pix definitely win the CUTE trophy.

  4. I believe that cats are in our lives to remind us to slow down & enjoy the comforts that surround us, whether it be a warm spot on the deck, a place in the garden, a pillow on the couch, or a bale of hay in the barn INSTEAD of overworking & forgetting why we work so hard in the first place! Your cat definitely feels love in your home:)

  5. I agree with Kristi, if we could follow our cats leads we would be much happier and definitely a lot more rested! Great pics it looks SO cozy!

  6. There's a cat who knows how to LIVE (and is cute as heck while doing it...)

  7. Ah that is so cute. Makes me want to curl up and nap!

  8. Wouldn't we all be a bit better off if we could enjoy a nap that much? Adorable. Loved it!

  9. Nancy,

    I love that the colors of the roving match the colors of the cat! Great photos, true contentment! I still have lots of grass but have been bringing the girls in at night lately so they are starting to get hay too to tide them over during the night. Do you feed first or seond cutting?

  10. You look all worn out! I hope you get a good nap.

  11. What cute pictures! Looks like she found a comfy place for a nap!

  12. Love this series of pictures. Contented Cat. A good example of enjoying yourself in the moment--even if it is just a nap.

  13. Anonymous9:56 PM

    That looks like a heavenly napping spot. Lucky kitty!



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