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Deb, at
Tylerfarm Homestead surprised me with this blog award this morning. Thank you Deb! Um, but Deb, I just noticed that the link to my blog, from yours, does not work... ;-)
According to Deb:
The Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~inspire you
~make you smile and laugh
~maybe gives you amazing information
~is a great read
~has an amazing design
~and any other reasons you can think of that makes them Uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
*put the logo on your blog or post.
*Nominate at least 5 blogs or more that for you are Uber Amazing!
*Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
*Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.There is
NO WAY I'm going to try to narrow my favorite blogs down to just 5 (I know, I'm a coward!) so please, if you're on my "blog roll" on the sidebar on the right side of this page, consider yourself nominated! The reason I have links to all the blogs on my sidebar is because they are all great reading and have lots of lovely photographs. Although, if I could only nominate ONE blog ~ it would be my 'adopted sister's, Corrine, at
Crosswinds Farm Not only is Corrine a beautiful, sweet, kind and generous woman, she is a hilarious blogger, a dedicated craftswoman, and a great sister. (that ought to be worth at LEAST a pumpkin cake!) ;-) Please visit her blog ~ you'll be glad you did.
planned post for today is more of my Favorite Photos of All Time. I had a wonderful time going through my albums, this morning, choosing pictures to use. I ended up selecting
97. I guess I really do take a lot of picutres! Don't worry ~ I won't come close to posting them all here.
at least not today....Here are just a few of my favorites. Some make me laugh and some make me cry. It was an interesting stroll down memory lane...

My kittens, Daisy & Lily came into my life at
Just the right time. They kept me smiling through some very difficult months after:
The Letter
Fortunately, it's very difficult to stay depressed when one has two kittens in the house!
My delightful, Angora goats were living in the backyard that year as well.
They brought many smiles to my face!
Saying Good-bye to "My Big Black Puppy" was heartbreaking
As was saying good-bye to the most beautiful Shetland ram I have ever known
But new friends have come into my life...
and brought me much joy.
Bellamica has firmly entrenched herself in my heart
and proven to be a great help around the place!
And then there are the LAMBS!

Those delightful creatures ~ gifts from my beautiful Ladies ~ that have so brightened my life...

And give me much to Look Forward to...
DREAM says...
"'Specially ME!"
That's right Dreamer!! You'll always be my special lamb...