Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...


  1. When does "Alice Watch" start?

  2. LOve seeing all that color and the cochins fat fannies.

  3. They would be my favorite things, too, and I would love to look out and see them!!!


  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Pretty picture Mom....
    Love you!

  5. Those chickens are so, so cute!

  6. Wonderful photo!! Gorgeous chickens!

  7. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hi Nancy,

    Just back from California. Enjoyed your Easter blog--Ben is a handsome young man and he sounds really nice--Sable's no dummy. Thanks for letting us meet him on the blog. As we've talked, my older brother had a difficult birth as well and ended up with cerebral palsy, too, but fairly mild. He lives on his own in his apt., but far away, although we visit on the phone at least weekly--he's very faithful about calling his family.

    We just got back from a vacation with Russ's siter and her husband in northern CA (fouond a fiber shop there and a flock of CORMO's but didn't visit the Cormo's--time was precious and short. We also visited Jon and Sarah in San Francisco and my friend Elise from High School. Elise has lived there over 30 years and took us places Jon and Sarah hadn't seen yet on the day they both had to work. We had a great time in both CA locations! Would you believe it, the article about Jon and Sarah's wedding finally showed up in April 2010 issue of Italia! I'll bring it next time I visit and hope that will be soon. I'm busy just catching up right now.




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