I was all set to write a great post, yesterday, but got stuck on a long-distance phone call for so long that I didn't have time to post! Here's what I was
going to say...
I'm Gonna Buy A Lottery Ticket!This is almost
Spooky! When I logged onto my computer, yesterday morning ~ like I always do when I first get up: grab a cup of cappuccino, turn on my "Happy Light" and check my email ~ I was greeted by a wonderful surprise. I had received my very first "donation" to Bluff Country Shetlands/A Shepherds Voice! And a very generous donation at that. From a valued reader who leaves frequent comments on my blog and thoroughly entertains me with hers. I was absolutely thrilled and very grateful...
When I brought in the morning mail, I found a birthday card from my ex-husband. He sent me a check for $50.00!! Totally unexpected but very much appreciated. He's a much better ex-husband than he ever was a husband. (He's who I was on the phone with so long, yesterday)
See the jar of money in the photo on the top of this post? When I got to work, that was sitting on my desk! Apparently, I won it by being the closest guesser as to how much money was IN the jar! I guessed $18.41 and it actually contains $18.67
I was also informed that I won a $50.00 Walmart gift certificate in a sales contest that we were having.
I was planning on stopping to buy a lottery ticket on my way home from work, but by the time I get out (10pm), I was too tired to stop. The next morning, I awoke to another donation on my blog. I've GOT to buy a lottery ticket! Again, too tired to stop last night, and I'm always running so late that I don't have time to stop on my way TO work...
Today, I woke up to rain. My Internet server was having problems and I couldn't log onto the Internet. I tried and tried. They don't understand ~ I
HAVE to check my email & do my Blog roll first thing in the morning! It's my
At last, the sun is shining and I'm able to get on line. I'm posting this quick and then will go get snuggles from my sheep! Tomorrow, I'll post what I was GOING to post today...
DREAM says...
I'm moving in for my "Birthday snuggle!"