Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One year ago today...

What a difference a year can make!
This is the exact post that I did on this date last year.
I was home, recovering from surgery on my shattered elbow...

I know that many of you are aware of the fact that I recently had an accident, followed by surgery (which is not to be discussed in public forums, so we'll leave it at that) and have been blessed to be receiving help from family and friends as I am SLOWLY recovering.  I am still in a considerable amount of pain and unable to use my arm for much of anything.  Needless to say, that means that I still need a LOT of help around here.  Of course I am grateful for all the help, but I want you to know that these generous souls are not exactly "suffering" as they labor in the Bluff Country.

Case in point:
my sister, Penny

Penny's staying here to 'help' this weekend.

She still has her PJs on in these pictures.

I admit it.  I'm working the poor girl pretty hard!

Doesn't it make you tired just watching  this girl???

I don't know where she finds the strength...

I'm just so grateful that she's here.

I do believe that the sheep are too...

ALICE says...

"HA!  Two days in a row.  I  got the last comment, two days in a row!  It's only fair too.  It is, after-all, the 10th annual ALICE watch..."

Ooooooh!  Dream's not gonna like this!

Wow!  It's a good thing that I had no idea how bad things really were going to get!
I miss my sheep...


  1. Great photos! Such loving sheep! That last photo is very special.(So are all the others).

    1. Thank you Lori. I treasure every photo ~ especially since I no longer have the sheep! :-(


  2. You said it Nancy! It's a good thing we don't know what the future has in store. The key is learning from our experiences and moving forward to whatever it is we are here to do. Keep up the good work!

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Awww, those pics were wonderful, esp. the last one of Godiva giving Penny and sheep hug. Godiva wants to let both you and Penny know that she's still JUST as affectionate, even with her funky new look of having a hole in one ear. Razz wants you to know he's doing a GOOD job as official flock guardian. Earlier this spring Russ witnessed Razz chasing a flock of turkeys out of the sheep paddock. Just this afternoon I watched him stalk and then chase a female Canadian goose out of the paddock the sheep were in. Not only that, her mate, who was in the adjacent paddock eating all the young tender grass, left with her, both of them honking raucously. That Razz, are you SURE we wethered him?
    Yes, it's been quite a packed full year and I'm so glad you are in better health now! b


    1. Isn't it fun getting to know the different personalities of your sheep, Terry? I know that you'll love them just as much as I did. Sometimes it's still hard to believe that they are not mine anymore...

  4. Silly sheep! So glad your sister is there to help out. We're sending lotsa huggies for you! Feel better!! :)

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

    1. Thanks Baily! This was all actually LAST year. I've pretty much recovered now. KNOCK ON WOOD!

      At least as recovered as I'll ever be...

  5. Is it really a year since you broke your elbow? My goodness, it seems only yesterday.
    So glad you're on the mend now though.

    1. Thank you Star. And I'm still glad that you are hanging in there with us! You feel like FAMILY now...



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