Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Counting my blessings...

One day at a time. That's how I deal with difficult situations. Some may accuse me of not facing things. I prefer to think of it as counting my blessings. I am so grateful for all of the support and love that so many have offered as I face this difficult time. Through the comments, private e-mails and phone calls, you have made me feel loved. Thank you, dear friends and friends I haven't even met! I have the most wonderful children in the entire world and am so grateful to God for the blessings that they are. Of course, you all know, I take MUCH pleasure in my animals. Daisy and Lily are constantly bringing a smile to my face with their antics.

They both purred today. I swear ~ I did too. These little ladies (?) were adopted from Kim's barn and are a bit on the wild side. They are adjusting to their new home, with it's menagerie of much larger animals. Mimi is NOT impressed and the dogs are either very curious or very hungry...

I took a 'sick day' off work today. I needed to catch up on my sleep and spend some time with my critters. I know I have a lot of things that I have to take care of but my physical health required a day of peace. As always, my animals give me a sense of peace and serenity.

It's almost as if God knew I was going to need something to make me smile and that's why I spontaneously went to Kim's to bring home the kittens. It wasn't planned. I just did it.
It's awful hard to be feeling sad when looking at something like this!

I spent some time with my sheep today too. Did some moving around of temporary electric fences in preparation for breeding season. Yes, as of now, I'm still planning on going ahead with breeding. If I am forced to sell any or all of my flock, I doubt that the fact that they are bred or have lambs by their sides will reduce the chance of selling them. But I don't want to think about that now...

Dream says...

...."Don't worry Mom ~ Rosie and I will take care of you!"


  1. It's great you took a "Mental Health Day" today. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but I just have this feeling that you're going to come through this with flying colors.
    Keepin' the Good Thoughts headed NNE!

  2. Anonymous7:57 PM

    And Rosie and Dream Will take care of you. You Need them. Keep them at All Cost. Twice in my life my sheep have had to be sold and it was the most gut-wrenching part of the situations. My prayers are with you...have experienced a similar situation but about 22 years ago.

  3. Nancy - We're thinking about you & hoping for the best! T.



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