I've been busy filling out home mortgage loan applications and trying to get all my financial matters in order. I am REALLY hopeful that I will be able to buy Don out and keep my home. I better, since I'm gonna have TWO dogs again...
Pretty much ever since Buddy died, I have been frantically looking for a puppy. Not so much to "replace" Buddy ~ that can't happen any more than Buddy could ever have replaced "Rocky". But Sadie is already nine years old and I have to get another dog and bond with it before anything happens to HER. Hence, my frantic search for a puppy. I decided that if I was going to get another dog, I may as well get one that can HELP ME OUT around here. So, I researched "Working Farm Collies" and found what I think will be my perfect next dog.
My search is finally coming to an end. The last weekend of June, my Beautiful Baby Girl (aka: Katie ~ my youngest daughter) and I are going to take a road trip and pick up my new English Shepherd Puppy! I am SO excited. I can hardly sleep at night and all I can do when I'm at home is look up more information about English Shepherds and all the pictures I can possibly find of them on the Web. I have searched MANY breeders both in and out of the US before I found my beautiful Tri-colored little girl. And now I've got to pick between TWO of them!
This first little doll is the first pup that I fell in love with. In this picture she's about 4 weeks old. She's a bit scared here because her breeder put her on a SWING to take the picture and she's not used the the ground moving beneath her.OK. Fine. I'm in love. This is the puppy I've been searching for. A beautiful, Tri-color with white legs, a blaze and a white tip on her tail. (sound familiar???)
Then, dear breeder has to go and send me THIS picture:NOW what the heck am I supposed to do??? This is the beautiful sister to the first pup. I love all the white on her front legs and chest. The breeder assures me that there is virtually NO difference between these two pups, personality wise. Both are self confident and fearless around livestock. Great.
Here's my sweetie at 11 weeks. Again, scared on the swing. I love the brown on her legs. I'm hoping to see a picture of her playing so I can a more natural expression.
And here's the gorgeous SISTER! What do I DO??????? I would like to see the two pups together and see if one chooses ME. But that may not be possible as I can't get there to pick mine up until the last weekend in the month and one will probably be sold by then. So I have to chose! :-(
DREAM says... "I hear that dog's supposed to be some kind of 'herding' and 'guardian' dog. I suppose I'm going to have to TRAIN her....A ewe's work is never done!"