Yes I have, my beautiful "Cassy"! In addition to
finally getting all of the lambs away from their moms (I JUST caught Angel and put her in with the ewe lambs this morning!), and fencing in a new pasture for the ewes...

I figured since the deer had eaten the bottom 5 feet of my pine trees last winter, I may as well let the sheep in by them. Now I don't have to mow around the pines and the sheep have fun browse, back scratchers and plenty of shade!

When the heat's too much for me to bear, I've been
SPINNING. I got back on track for the
Tour De Fleece and finished up the red roving that I need to finish a shawl that I'm knitting at work.

I love the color of this roving/yarn and it's wonderfully soft ~ but the silk blended in with the merino gives the fiber a "bite" when I'm spinning it and I'm glad to be done. I've got a sore index finger (almost like a paper cut!) from spinning the stuff! I'll be happy to be back to Shetland....
Speaking of Shetland:
I have to admit: I'm a bit disappointed in myself. The colored yarn in this skein is from bits of wool that I've rooed off the necks of my girls, over the years. I've been spinning it "in the grease" and "from the lock". I have to admit, I hate spinning from the lock and in the grease. Give me roving ANY day!! I WAS going to ply this yarn back on it's self (some day) but
Really needed an extra bobbin to ply my red yarn....so I just plied my multi-colored Shetlnad with a single strand of "Alice" that I had sitting around (using
another bobbin) and that gave me two more bobbins! It also completely ruined the effect of the multi colored locks of Shetland....
at least it's softAnother BIG project I've been working on is this:
I am going to build a retaining wall!
Out. Of. ROCKS. I've been gathering big rocks from rock slides along the side of the road for several weeks now. I stop on my way home from work, or to work, or when I'm running into town for something.

This WILL be a long ~ drawn out project. It will probably take me years.

But I think it will be neat. I need the retaining wall to keep the gravel from washing away from around the new barn.
Now, I'd better hop in the shower and get ready for work! This was supposed to be my 3 day weekend off, but we're so busy that they've offered overtime PLUS $5.00
GAS CARDS for every 2 hours of overtime we pick up! I'll be buying hay soon, so figure I better work while the money's good!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!