Saturday, July 10, 2010

The First Good-byes...

They know...

Something's up...

It's time to say "good-bye" to:
"Lucky Charm" (Charmer)
my 'little lover'

such a striking ram lamb

and my darling "Dixie Cup"
poor Dazzle is distraught...

They're all going to the same home.  That makes me happy.  They'll have each other as friendly faces in their new flock.  They won't be far away ~ within a half-hour's drive!  Lord knows I need the money!

So why do I feel so sad?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. *hugs* ♥

    Sorry for the spelling error in the first post. Had to fix it. :/

  3. awww, im sorry you're sad. But it is understandable; they're your babies! But you're sending them to a wonderful home, thats the best thing you can do for them, and they get to have and adventure!

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!! My poor Dazzle. I'm glad those 3 are going together!! And that they will be close by. The person that is getting them is a VERY LUCKY Sheep Owner!!


    Katie in WI

  5. We sent a starter flock away today too. I already miss their sweet faces, but they will have a happy home.

  6. It has to be tough, sending off the ones you've watched from birth. But as has been said, at least they'll be together and at a good home!! Kind of like placing orphans...

    Nancy in Iowa

  7. It is hard to see them leave. I hope you'll get updates.

  8. Ohhhh....they're not even my lambs, so why do I feel sad too?! Sniff....

  9. My least favorite part of the sheep biz--seeing the little ones separated from their mums and sent off into the big world. Some of the ewes are inconsolable for several days, others seem relieved. I always tell them (lambs and ewes) that the little ones have to go off and start their own little sheep dynasties. Take care,



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