Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Relaxing with the Ladies on Labor Day...

I'm getting back into spending time with my sheep each day.  We had such an awful, HOT summer that I stayed indoors much more than usual and I realized that most of my lambs are still half wild.


  (Not my Princess though!)


Isn't she gorgeous? 
She's gonna look just like her dam

This just will not do! (wild lambs)
So, I'm taking the time to sit with the ewes and lambs for a few hours little while each day.  Yesterday, I held down a tree branch for them and they enjoyed a late summer treat...

Destiny's little "Kiss" is going to have tiny scurs, just like her dam:

Destiny shown with Kiss's triplet brother, "Burdock"

Speaking of Mother-Daughter look-a-likes,
check out Alice and Duchess:

No scurs on these two, just dark spots where horns would be.

DREAM says...

"Boy!  Mom's working her butt off today!  She's moving a mountain of dirt with a wheelbarrow and a shovel.  I'd offer to help but  I'm afraid I'd break a nail hoof!"

Dream's right.
I'm using a spade-type shovel  and a wheelbarrow to spread a ton and a half of screenings (clay dirt mixed with crushed rock) around my big barn.  The guy delivered it this morning.  Dumped the whole load in a big pile, near the 'porch' on the barn.  I want to get it spread before it rains!
Can you imagine what a mess that would be if it gets wet???
I better get back at it!
Have a great week!


  1. Too bad some of us gals don't live closer--we could have work parties and lighten the load for us all. Hope you get your screenings spread and don't over do it!

  2. I hope you didn't put your back out with all that work... whew!! Tomorrow should be nice - are you going to use it for work, or for pleasure?

    (or even better, both!!)


  3. Sounds more like laboring than resting although you did get to sit with the sheep. I hope you got all the dirt moved without injury :)

  4. Lovely photos, Nancy. It's always fun to see your sheep and green grass.

  5. Sounds like my kind of work! As long as it's not being overseen by the navy, who would make me wear long sleeved thick polyester coveralls. be thankful for small liberties :)



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