Sunday, November 28, 2010

She's done:
My very first needle-felted PIG!


Porsha is my first attempt at needle felting a pig over a bar of goat milk soap.

Porsha's body is felted around a big, oval shaped bar of "Lavendar' goat milk soap.  So, she smells heavenly! 

I've added her to my store at  "Sheep Hugs & Soap Suds" 

DREAM says...

"You have GOT to be kidding me!"
"At least Mom didn't enter any PIG pictures in the photo contest!
Don't forget to cast your vote for  the "Ewes in the Mist" photograph.
The last day to vote is Tuesday, the 30th, and I know it would make Mom really happy if you voted every day 'till then!"



  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    OMG!!! She is CUTE! Sooooo adorable! (Sorry, Dreamer)

    Katie in MN/WI

  2. What a lovely Porsha! Sorry Dream, I think that's a very cute piggy. Talented mom you have there, Dream!

  3. That pig is very appealing. Looks cuddly even and what a good idea to have a nice smelling pig. Well done you. Aren't you creative!
    Blessings, Star

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    How cute.
    Do you know there is a breed of pig called the "Wooly Pig"? Its official name is Mangalista pig, a rare breed from Hungery.

    I had a pig named Porsha. She was about the same size as the car she was named after. Last time she was weighed she was 650 lbs and stood 3 feet at the shoulder. But was as gentle (and smart) as a big dog.


  5. I love Porsha! She's adorable! Don't worry, though, Dreamer - you have nothing to fear!!! You'll always be #1 in your Lady's heart.

    Nancy in Iowa



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