Friday, April 24, 2009

"Dear Blogger..."

"Please SEND HELP!

Mom is a crazed woman. She's been tying me up and ripping my wool out rooing me, every chance she gets!

I tell you, it's traumatizing!!

I feel like a plucked goose!!

And these photos...

How would you like to have your picture taken while you were fifty pounds over weight , at the beauty parlor ~ all wrapped in tin foil and with your eyebrows encased in wax????

I'm telling you, it's humiliating! You don't see DREAM standing around, half naked, do you???

I may never live it down.


I still love you, Mom! And I'm gonna give you BEAUTIFUL babies!!"

I don't doubt that for a moment, my beautiful Zaria. Not one moment!


Have a great weekend, Everyone!!


  1. Zaria! poor thing, Mom must find all this entertaining. Oh? do I see animal crackers in the plastic tub? not all bad.

  2. Poor thing! I'll talk to your mom for you. She shouldn't be so mean to you.

  3. Oh My Gosh, that was way too funny. Thanks, I needed a good laugh. Have a great weekend.

  4. Poor Zaria! Someone should call the humane society!!! : ).

  5. Oh Zaria, you will look like a whole new sheep. We ladies must endure these trials and tribulations in order to look our best. The Icelandic ewes at Whispering Acres send you their condolences, but they think you will look lovely when it is all finished.

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Ha! Love the photos. And thanks for the humor on a Friday afternoon. I've never seen a rooed sheep before--it looks very strange,-- I'm used to the sheared version.
    Diane L./Bloomington,IN.

  7. This whole rooing thing amazes me. I thought you sheared them. Can you do both?

  8. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Poor Zaria, you are in the middle of your spa treatment, aren't you?!!!

    Nancy in Atlanta

  9. Great pictures, Nancy. I've never had a sheep that let go of her fleece like that! Pretty neat.

  10. Oh, so cute! I wish I had the patience to roo my Icelandics in the spring.

  11. Hee hee, Russet will likely look like this by the end of the weekend. She's casting bits of her wonderful fleece everywhere, so much for showing her fleece this year! Don't worry Zaria, you're not alone!

  12. Teeheehee ... poor Zaria. Nice job rooing Nancy, it's nice to see what the result will be as I haven't tried yet. I see that I must try next year because the shearer was already here.

    Thanks for the chuckle. I LOVE your posts!!

  13. Have you evened her out yet!? Poor thing ;)

  14. I haven't had TIME!!!I'm so busy trying to get my temporary fences up so I can get the unbred ewes onto grass that I don't have time for anything else. Plus, I'll be out of town for three days at the end of this week and my sheep sitter wants all the lambing preparations in place.....




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