Friday, March 09, 2012

Poke, poke, poke...

 I'm still at it.
 Needling away!

I've got the Pit Bull almost finished.  I may do just a bit more fiddling on his head.   I've already started on my next needle-felted canine.  It WILL be a "Westie"  (West Highland White Terrier).  I'm doing the Westie on consignment!

I've only got the basic body done so far.  I haven't done much at all with the head.  I think that may just be the hard part!  But I am happy with how it is coming along so far...

So far, all of the critters that I've created by needle felting are 100% wool.  I haven't used any wire armature ~ mainly because I haven't gone to town and bought any wire!  I just needle felt like a crazy lady until everything is solid enough to hold it's shape without the framework.

It's fun watching the "personalities" develop as each sculpture progresses!



  1. You do wonderful work, Nancy. :-)

  2. Those are some beautiful needle felted doggies! The detail that a lot of people reach with that is just amazing.

    1. Thanks Jen ~ I'm just beginning to do needle-felting and I feel like I'm off to a fairly good start but there are definitely some incredible artists out there!

  3. I love needle felted animals! And you are doing a wonderful job!

    1. I love working with wool and the felting needles. And the animals really do seem to take on personalities as they take form. Thank you for the compliment. I'll use it to stay motivated to learn more and keep getting better.

  4. Emma is looking good.

    1. I'm glad that you like her so far. I'm real happy with her body ~ and it's just the rough form. I haven't done any detail work yet. The head? We'll see where it takes me!

  5. They are all very cute. You are getting really good at this.
    Have fun.

    1. Thank you Farmlady! It's funny ~ each critter kind of decides what it wants to look like! I start out with an image in my mind and about a third of the way through, whatever I'm making seems to just take over and tell me what it wants to be. It's very fun for me to see what I end up with!

  6. awesome critters, I'm so impressed!! I think you may have found a genuine Gift....





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