Saturday, August 11, 2007

On a Misty Morning....

A.K.A...."what sheep do when no body's looking"...

That's Dream by the Apple Tree. The heavy morning fog and dew keep things relatively green in the Bluff Country, even during dry spells. Dream had witnessed Zaria, sneaking leaves off the apple tree, moments earlier.
Zaria tried to be discrete about eating the leaves off the tree. She checked to make sure that nobody was watching...And then nibbled on the trunk. Nobody seemed to notice. So she got a little bolder (greedier?) Even when they moved in closer, the other girls didn't seem to notice Zaria dancing in the mist. I was amazed by how long she stayed up on her hind feet! The rest of the girls continued to graze as the morning sun started to bake off the fog...DREAM says.... ..."I like leaves but that looks like WAY too much work for me!"

UPDATE: I've finally posted a "FOR SALE" feature on my "Breeding Stock for Sale Blog"!


  1. You are definitely upholding your reputation as a great photographer. :-)

  2. Thank you, Michelle!

  3. Ohhhhhhhh! I see new calendar pages coming....

    - Franna

  4. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Your photography is absolutely stunning!!

  5. Wonderful p[hotos, Nancy! Some of your photos would be great added sales for you! (This from someone who grew up with a darkroom in the house and an amateur photographer-father)

    You have a wonderful eye for composition. What kind of camera do you use?

  6. Anonymous9:51 PM


    Your photos are so beautiful and uplifting. You are very talented.




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