Sunday, January 11, 2009


As I got ready to go to bed, last night, I noticed it was still unbelievably light out.

I could clearly see my barns, fences, and trees in the natural light!

If these pictures look dark to you, consider that they were taken at MIDNIGHT ~ with no artificial lighting!

It was eerie! The light reminded me of the time when I was standing on the deck of a Cruise ship, somewhere out in the Atlantic Ocean, witnessing a total eclipse of the sun! Very cool.

I wish I could have caught the true glory of the moon! It had a double "halo" around it. The outer one was so big that it gets cut off in these photos. you may be able to barely make it out on the right side of the moon pictures...

DREAM says...

..."I slept through the whole thing!"


  1. So funny - when we went to bed last night it was just the same. Kelly said "It's so bright out" and I noticed we could see the donkeys from the window, still outside puttering around. What a beautiful moon it was - so glad you got to enjoy it too!

  2. We noticed that too, all the way over this side of the pond! See we're not that far away after all.
    Lovely photos :o)

  3. Hey Sis! I am glad to see that your mood is a bit brighter along with the moon :D.

  4. I had heard on the news that it was going to be one of the biggest full moons....unfortunately we were fully clouded over. Glad I got to witness it though your pics! Thanks!

  5. Great pictures! I love full moons, I am sorry I missed it but I think it was cloudy here anyway. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Lemonade Stand Award, because I love your blog with it's beautiful pictures and great stories and because I really admire how you have gotten through the adversity in your life.

  6. Beautiful pictures. Amazing moonlight.

  7. The moon and I have always been tied close together. I never sleep well during a full moon but instead find myself with extra the middle of the night. Oh well, I guess I'll just dance with the cats from now on.
    Great photos, Nancy.

  8. If the pictures turned out that well, the actual sight must have been amazing! We had a clear sky and nice moon here, but nothing like that. Very cool

  9. Isn't it amazing how bright it is, when the mooon is full over the snowy ground? I had to let my dog out in the middle of the night, and I could see him so clearly out in the yard..........

    Good pics!

  10. psst....Oh Dreamer.....we sure do love you!!!!

  11. wonderful photos! I went cross country skiing earlier that night, and really didn't need a headlamp, or the trail lights. Wish my camera worked in the dark,would have loved to get some pics like yours.



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