Wednesday, May 06, 2009

ZEST comes through with some RAZZLE - DAZZLE...

I got home from work shortly after 11 o'clock last night to find Zest, with this Dazzling set of twins! Meet "Bluff Country Razzle"(moorit ram lamb ~ if I were naming ram lambs!) and "Bluff Country Dazzle" (mioget/FLECKET ewe lamb).

See the difference in their color?
Dazzle has a "moon spot" on her right shoulder ...

and the cutest little tail...

and she's SUPER FRIENDLY!!! OMG. I'm in love with a Flecket.

Razz is a handsome, square, krunet ram lamb with level topline and very square set legs. Both look like they're going to lean towards Zest's more single-coated type fleece.

So, what do you think, Linda & Pete???

She did good, huh?

Four down and two to go...



  1. That is a gorgeous ewe lamb!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful ewe lamb! Congrats!

  3. OMG! If she doesn't stay with you, she might have to come live with me!!!

  4. She is unbelievable! You didn't go for quanity this year, but you sure are getting quality! Congrats!

  5. I don't know the first thing about sheep (except what I have learned from you), but I'll take Dazzle off your hands, oh goodness, she is a beauty.

  6. They are adorable! What did you mean you're "in love with a flecket!"? Do you usually not like them?... what is a flecket!?

  7. Well I wish you were closer I really want a moorit flecket ewe lamb, but I'd sure consider a mioget that's so damn cute. Congratulations Nancy.

  8. Love that bright white tail poking out of that little brown rump.
    Sweet babies, Nancy.

  9. Actually, Juliann, I still have two ewes waiting to lamb. Zodiak & Bella Luna are the two hold outs. Both are 'solid' colored. Zodiak(black/bleset/iset) has given me almost all girls and MANY HST's, and Bella Luna is a black, first time mom. I will be glad when it's done!

    Katie ~ I don't dislike "Fleckets" (large spots on the body) at all! It's just that in breeding for HST (spots on the Head, Socks and Tail), I try to keep the white areas OFF the body. But Zest is sold so I'm thinking that I'm just going to HAVE to keep her beautiful "Dazzle"...


  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I vote you keep Dazzle! She's a beauty - and already friendly!

    Nancy in Atlanta

  11. Nancy, Dazzle is my favorite-so precious!



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