Monday, November 07, 2011

A Little Caffeine with your Kahlua???

I don't know what's up with me staying up so late at night.  I used to always post in the morning but I find myself doing it more at night now.  It seems that I'm always busy until 10 o'clock at night.

Guess who thinks she's pretty special...

"Bluff Country Kahlua"

I LOVE her fleece!

AND her attitude.

"What attitude?" 

I love the crimp...
and the tippy ends...

AND the staple length!
Kahlua's fleece also has the soft, silky feel of her dam's (Zaria). 
Neither of these photos really shows the true color but you get the idea by combining them both.

I don't know what had alerted the girls but I thought this was a pretty picture.  Even if Kahlua does  have her front feet in a hole!

Bella and Sable are so happy that we'll be staying here for the winter.  They have so much room to run in the fenced in areas.

No wonder I'm feeling happier!
My infections seem to have finally cleared up.
I don't have a doctor appointment for a MONTH!
I spent the day with my Princess and three handsome Princes (it was Matt's birthday and we had a blast).  My handsome son-in-law grilled us burgers and bratwurst for lunch.
I'm home with my wonderful dogs.
I still have sheep living here.
I have a secret.
I'm working on something.
I'll tell you about it soon.
It's something near and dear to my heart...



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