Friday, June 23, 2006


On Saturday, July 15th, 2006, Letty Klein and Ann Brown, co-authors of: "A SHEPHERD'S RUG ~ A Braided Wool Rug From Roving" will be in the Bluff Country, conducting a workshop on how to make your own braided rug out of roving!

The workshop will be sponsored by MSSBA: "Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association", a regional group of Shetland breeders who support the breed and it's by-products throughout the Midwest. MSSBA also sponsors the Shetland Sheep Show at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, in September.

Participation is open, without cost, to all MSSBA members. Non-members who wish to participate may do so (if room permits) but will have to pay $20.00. The workshop will begin at 9 a.m. with Letty demonstrating how to make the braids, out of roving.
Here's a sneak-peak at how the book gets us started (click to enlarge)....

The book is presented in a clear, concise, easy to follow manner. I can't wait to get started on my rug!!!

Please CONTACT ME if you are a MSSBA member and plan on attending. We need to get a head count as Letty & Ann can only work with so many people at a time....More information can be found on the MSSBA web site.

While Letty & Ann take the braided roving to a laundromat, to felt it, we'll have a MSSBA meeting and lunch (we'll save some for you Letty!). Then, back to making the rugs for the afternoon.


  1. Someone in my spinning guild, here in southeast Michigan, makes rugs out of crocheted and roving. She felts them after the crocheting is finished.

    They are wonderfully cushy underfoot, and I'm told they hold up very well in use, too.

    Braiding also seems like a very good idea!

  2. Oops, I changed what I was saying in midstream and then didn't take out the "and" between "crocheted" and "roving".

    What I meant to say is "she makes rugs by crocheting roving."

  3. I wish I were near such a neat group! :( Could I be a "fly on the wall"?

  4. Pssst...Nancy, check your emails. :)



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