Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"Who's your Daddy?".....

My rams and ewes with lambs are currently sharing a fence line and I see the rams spending a lot of time, nose-to-nose with the lambs, through the fence. They are very curious about the little ones. I didn't get any new pictures today but am using some that I took previously. These are all pictures of lambs that we have raised, or are raising, with their sires...This is Sheepy Hollow Zorro with his son, "Bluff Country Zorba". I often see an apparent affinity for the rams to their own offspring. At least when they're still babies. ;-) Zorro used to even let Zorba chew on his horns! Zorro is a fine, single-coated, HST ram and produces lovely fleeces on his lambs. I have enough Zorro daughters in my flock that it is time that: ZORRO IS FOR SALE! Contact me via E-MAIL for more information regarding Zorro.

"Bluff Country Apocalypse" meets his twin daughters: "Make a Wish" and "Dream Come True".

This dynamic duo is "Apocalypse" (Paco) and his sire "Bluff Country Skittles". Skittles is sold and will be making his home in Arizona, later this summer. He sure produced nice babies for us!

I need to get some pictures of Bravo and his handsome son, Trinity. What a great looking pair they are! Nice size, huge, beuatifully shaped horns, lovely fleece, nice markings. I'll work on getting those photos, quick... ;-)

Dream says........"I think MY daddy is SO handsome!"


  1. And her Grandpa isn't hard to look at either! ;)
    I promise he will be loved and cherished in Arizona and you always have visitng privileges, which means you just HAVE to come and visit!!! :)

  2. Hey Nancy - your guys are all handsome - and John says he wants to know how much you get for those guys? Tina

  3. Can't believe that you are selling Zorro ... but understand why ... and how hard the decision must have been. He is a doll!

    Hugs, my friend.




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