Sunday, June 11, 2006

Weekend Update...

I've been neglecting my blog. Probably because I've been obsessively watching the Eagles' nest. Two of the Eaglets fledged, leaving only the baby in the nest. For one day, anyway. In spite of looking like he was going to take off at any minute, the littlest one, wisely, stayed behind. And he has now been rejoined by his siblings! I would never have thought the fledglings would have the flight skills necessary to maneuver back up, through the branches, to the nest, but both did! What a thrill it was to see all three babies back in the nest... ;-)

On the home front:

Sadie's doing well. It's been over a week since her surgery. Despite the vet's warning about the incision coming open, we've had no complications. Sadie has adjusted to her "hat" and the incision is healing very well. The stitches come out this coming Friday! Then, my girl and I are going for a WALK...

The lambs are growing like weeds! We're keeping an eye on the boys horns to see how they develop.

Alice's beautiful daughter "GLITTER" looks more and more like her dam everyday! She is SO sweet. I can't believe I sold her.... :-(

DREAM says...
"WISH and I are getting big too!"

1 comment:

  1. Just finished your blog pic & comments. The sheep all have different personalities - amazing. I know you must love them greatly - & I would say you have a Great life!



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