Monday, August 27, 2007

A Few of My Girls....

Yesterday started out foggy and overcast ~ perfect for taking pictures! It doesn't take long for the
fog to burn off, though. In fact, about 5 minutes from when I see it, to when I get outside with my camera!The girls were sure happy to see me coming...My babies are sure growing up fast!They love exploring the new playground that was the old barn...Mothers and daughters are still VERY close...
Speaking of daughters... "La Mia Bella Bambina" has taken to sitting outside, with a glass of red wine and reading each afternoon/evening. She actually asked me to take some pictures so she'd have them to remind her of this time, when she's off, serving her Country, in the Navy. Don't worry, we're quite safe. We've got watchful eyes making sure that nothing is amiss in the Bluff Country...


DREAM says... "And NOW for the FUN part! How many of the "girls" can you name from this post? You can only use each name ONE time, no matter how many times some camera hog lovely lady might sneak into the photos. Mom said she might even offer a PRIZE for whoever gets the most right answers. I'll post pictures of the prize, later today..."


  1. You surely deserve a prize for best photographer, dear. That one of your girl (who hopely will NOT be "severing her Country"!) is breathtaking. I hope you print out and frame two copies, one for her and one for you....

  2. Thank you for pointing out my error, Michelle! Now, how about those names...????

  3. Hey Nancy-I always love your foggy photos, and your sunny ones, and the cloudy day ones, etc. Nice work-and so glad to hear your farm is safe on high ground.

  4. Oooo, trivia. heh... I call my own ewes by the wrong names, but here goes (not in any particular order!):
    Diva, Dilemma, Alice, Destiny, Dream, Zest, Bella Luna, Flash Flood, Sera, Rosie, Tiara, Katie and Lilly. :-)

    I know there are more sheep in those wonderful photos, not sure I saw Zaria?

    Okay, now, who's going to guess next?
    - Franna

  5. is hard to tell but it looks like:

    Serendipty, Tiara, Gemni, Bella Luna, Flash, Zaro, Zest, Zodiak, and Dilema?

    They have grown so much it is hard to tell!

  6. You guys are GOOD!

    Just a hint: Tiara is sold and no longer lives here. She is in Connecticut! You need to list ALL the girls that you see in the photos, not just the ones you think someone else missed. The winner will be the person who has the most CORRECT names listed...

  7. Ok Nancy -I'll give this a try.
    Zest, Dream, Alice, Zodiak, Serendipity, Zaria, Godiva, Dillema,
    Gemini, Destiny, Phoebe, Bella Luna,
    Flash Flood, Rosie, Jewel, Diva,
    Gypsy, Katie, Lily, Dream, Dream, Dream.
    They are all so lovely!
    By the way - love the picture of the 3 HST girls standing in a group - snickering.

  8. Sooooo, if it isn't Tiara, it must be Godiva! Hmmmmm, I still don't pick out Zaria specifically, and don't see two white ewes... oh, wait! in the photo with Katie, there might be 2 white ewes in the background. and oops, I misnamed Zodiak as Zest :-)
    Diva, Dilemma, Alice, Destiny, Dream, Zodiak, Bella Luna, Flash Flood, Sera, Rosie, Godiva, Phoebe, Katie and Lilly
    That's as good a WAG as it gets.
    - Franna

  9. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Serendipity, Dream, Rosie, Dynasty, (think that one a ram lamb though), Bella, Gemini, Godiva, Dilema, Destiny, Savannah, Alice, Zodiak, Zest, Flash Flood, Zaria, Diva

  10. Anonymous7:05 PM

    And I must not forget Katie and Lily too.

  11. hey Kelly can't win! she's seen them all, touched them all and i bet she had her cheat sheet for the SFCP list!!! (well i would have used it had i had one) maybe I'm a sore loser. Wait I didn't even have TIME to guess! Congrats kelly :P

  12. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I already asked Nancy if the SFCP list and list of ones I tagged counts as cheating. If it does, then I have told her it is ok and to give the prize to the runner up. I did have to watch the blog a little though because Serendipity wasn't there when her inspection was done, she got her after.

  13. I tried going back on her blog to name the ewes after the contest but ended up getting confused! Congrats kelly :) You need to get some shetlands now to go along with those cards!

  14. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Can't have sheep in town and I just bought a house in town. Although since they wag there tails and like to be pet we could try to convince a St. Joe cop that it really was a dog but I really don't think it would work.



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