first, I just had to share this picture. I took it yesterday, when Heather was here. It's of two of my 'modified' ewe lambs: Dazzle (left) and Gold Rush (far right) with Razzle (Dazzle's moorit brother), in between them. It's a good example of the difference between
Mioget (Dazzle) and moorit (Razzle) in young lambs.
OK. OK. I know that's not what you came to see!
You want to know the SECRET. I can't believe nobody guessed! I was throwing hints like anvils...
Remember how I was pretty shook up when Zodiak's first lamb presented with just a nose and no toes showing? After running around like a chicken with it's head cut off for a couple of minutes, I managed to snag the front feet and deliver what I
thought was a healthy, black, ram lamb. I quickly ran my fingers over the lumpy, bumpy, slime covered head and pronounced it a boy.
(formerly known as Batman!)
It wasn't until a couple of days ago, when I was sitting in the nursery paddock, making friends with Zodiak's lambs that I discovered my error. I was petting Zorro's head, pleased with how widely spaced his horn buds are. Then, I noticed that "Batman" had no horn buds. I felt again. Nothing. Could he be a smooth-polled ram??? I don't breed for polled rams!
Check the "other end". Nothing.
"He's" a SHE!!
And she's lovely! With a tiny little tail and exceptional conformation. Secret's brother, Zorro, is standing behind her in this picture ~ she doesn't really have four ears and a large, krunet spot. Zodiak didn't have twin, ram lambs ~ she had a ram and a ewe lamb. I'm very happy.
DREAM says:
"Oh, good Grief!! That poor thing is probably going to have an Identity Crisis!!"