On Saturday, July 15th, 2006, Letty Klein and Ann Brown, co-authors of:
"A SHEPHERD'S RUG ~ A Braided Wool Rug From Roving" will be in the Bluff Country, conducting a workshop on how to make your own braided rug out of roving!
The workshop will be sponsored by
MSSBA: "Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association", a regional group of Shetland breeders who support the breed and it's by-products throughout the Midwest. MSSBA also sponsors the Shetland Sheep Show at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, in September.
Participation is open, without cost, to all
MSSBA members. Non-members who wish to participate may do so (if room permits) but will have to pay $20.00. The workshop will begin at 9 a.m. with Letty demonstrating how to make the braids, out of roving.
Here's a sneak-peak at how the book gets us started (click to enlarge)....

The book is presented in a clear, concise, easy to follow manner. I can't wait to get started on my rug!!!

CONTACT ME if you are a MSSBA member and plan on attending. We need to get a head count as Letty & Ann can only work with so many people at a time....More information can be found on the
MSSBA web site.While Letty & Ann take the braided roving to a laundromat, to felt it, we'll have a MSSBA meeting and lunch (we'll save some for you Letty!). Then, back to making the rugs for the afternoon.