Look at all the sheep in my back yard!!! I love that my place is so small that the sheep are never far from the house.

Yup ~ I got my new camera. It's a Canon PowerShot S51S. Lot's of "bells & whistles" that I have no idea how to use and Lord knows when I'll have time to actually sit down and
read the owner's manual! But, I think I'm gonna like it. I LOVE the 10X Optical Zoom! Look at the beautiful, golden, butterscotch color on "Bluff Country Sunshine".

Meredith thinks the new camera is pretty cool!

Zest's handsome son: "Bluff Country Moon Shadow" has lost his white, krunet marking but he is absolutely, breath-takingly,
STUNNING! What a gorgeous ram lamb. I hope somebody buys him and SHOWS him...

Diva's beautiful, dark brown: "Bluff Country Mystery". Simply exquisite!

Zodiak's "Bluff Country Deja Vu". I can't believe how much she looks like Dream!

Baby "Bluff Country Bountry Hunter" is sprouting horns ~ and check out his GOATEE!!

As is Alice's incredibly handsome,
MACHO "Bluff Country Outlaw". And all the rest of the ram lambs... ;-)
As much as I'd love to continue this
Walk down Lamb Lane, I really do need to get some work done around here (and take more pictures!!!). I volunteered to work some overtime this afternoon. The money comes in handy (as in NEW CAMERA) but I sure do hate giving up my weekend off!!!
DREAM says...
..."Cool Camera, Mom! Now you can take LOTS of pictures of me and MY babies!!!"