Saturday, June 27, 2009

NOT a Pretty Picture...

But he's on the mend!

Zorro's horn casing fell off (all by it's self!) That's a big relief. The horn is much more likely to grow back, correctly, if the casing isn't pushing it into a poor position.

The photo makes it look worse than it is because I sprayed the stump with "RedCoat" (red ~ antibiotic) and "Screw Worm Spray" (blue ~ kills/repels flies and their eggs/larva)

Needless to say, Zorry does NOT like it when I cover his eyes with a towel and spray his stump until it's saturated. I will continue to do so, in spite of the little guy's protests, for a few more days ~ until healing is well under way.

"Buck - buck - That's just too bad about that poor little lamb's horn... baWAUK" !


  1. Well you seem to have kept your sense of humour despite your little 'op'.

  2. Couldn't continue with the first post, sorry. I'm glad your op is behind you and that the horn casing dropped off. Now you're on the up and up, it seems. Enjoy your Cappuccino.
    Blessings, Star

  3. Those are cute chickens!

  4. Well done getting the op out of the way. Hope it was ok. Glad to see that Zorro is on the mend. Is he going to be horned or are those scurs? My lot are in such deep grass that I have to get a bucket out just to be able to count them!

  5. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Reading your blog, Nancy, has been an education.I hope dear Zorro is on the mend.
    Never a dull moment!
    Diane L./Bloomington,IN.

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Whew - I was glad you explained the colors. I thought Zorro had gone off the deep end when his horn was damaged, and had decided to go punk!

    Loved the chicken conversation.

    Nancy in Atlanta

  7. Well he's colorful you won't loose him in the crowd. Like Jenny said do you think he has true horns?

  8. I'm sure that Zorro is a fully horned lamb. He shows good horn growth for a one month old ram lamb. Now the question will be how correctly the damagaed horn grows in!

  9. Hahaha! I think Dream may have some competition for the final blog-thought! All that's left to enter in the competition is a cat-convo??? ;)

  10. Love the chickens!

  11. Oh Nancy, sorry about Zorro's horn casing. Same thing happened to my lamb ram last year and I'm happy to report it has grown in perfectly! The only difference is that it is a little shorter!



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