So, I'll sit with the sheep for awhile. They always make me feel better. I'll take lots of pictures. That's usually how I get my inspiration for blogging.
Daisy is visiting the flock this morning.
Bella is always so photogenic.
Maybe I'll post about her.
Then, I notice my "pumpkin patch".
Or, what has been ~ will be ~ my pumpkin patch! It's time to get that tilled and plant my pumpkins! I'm way behind. But it was too cold. Then, too hot! Today's a perfect day to prepare my pumpkin patch! I'll do that. There's a piece of wire fence in there that I usually keep around the Snow Crabapple Tree that I planted in my backyard last year. It's growing so nicely and I don't want to take a chance on the sheep getting at it. I moved the fence when I mowed the back yard this past weekend. I'll put it back around the tree as soon as I come back outside after posting...
So I come in the house and start downloading pictures. I got some nice ones. Bella is bugging me. She can't have to go outside ~ we just came in. I can hear the sheep, chattering outside my window. I'm SO enjoying the cooler weather.
Bella is getting quite persistent. I hear a lamb calling it's mom. Then it occurs to me. The sheep are right outside my office window. That window is NOT by the pasture that they are in. Or at least it's not by the pasture they are supposed to be in...
Sure enough. I rush outside and the sheep are in my back yard. Once again, they've eaten my plants. Goodbye new geraniums that I planted after they ate my beautiful geranium tree that I'd kept over the winter. Bye-bye clematis, which was making a striking comeback. I hope the new daisies and cone flowers & hostas that I planted this weekend come back. But, my TREE! Worst of all, they got at my tree. They stripped a good portion of bark from the trunk. Pealed the truck protector right off.
I'm going to take a nap now...
DREAM says:
"Damn sheep!"