Monday, April 03, 2006

ALICE WATCH ... day three

There she is. Looking pretty good! She's still got at LEAST two weeks before she's due to lamb. Unfortunately, I deleted the software that I stored all of my sheep information on, so now I don't have actual due dates recorded. :-( But I know that Alice is NOT among the first of my girls due to lamb. I witnessed four of them mating on the day we put them in with their respective rams. Alice was not one of the four. Savannah, Zest, Kit Kat and I'm not even sure WHO else (I'm thinking maybe Zanex?? I better dig out my notes!) could all lamb on the same day.

SEE? That's what she does when ever she thinks I'm looking at her! Seriously, the reason I worry about Alice is because she gets SO huge and has such big babies. She's just now beginning to 'bloom' wait ~ you'll see. And she gets an udder like a Holstein cow! At the same time, Alice tends to look "sunken in" in the loin area; just in front of her hip bones. That makes me worry that she's too thin. Maybe she just carries her lambs low? She looks HORRIBLY sunken, immediately after lambing. We're fine for now. Alice is just beginning to "bag up" (her udder is enlarging). I can relax for a while...

In the meantime...Here are a couple of the ladies who should have their babies BEFORE Alice:That's "Kit Kat". She's my beautiful, fawn, Katmoget ewe. Alice's arch rival. And this is "Savannah" (my little Savannah Banana). Savannah's the one I showed in the fleece processing post. Check back a couple of weeks and you can see her in full fleece. I'm thinking both Kit Kat and Savannah could be carrying twins. Knock on wood! If they are, this will be the first time I get twins from either one of them. Both are bred to Paco. Alice is bred to Zorro. She always twins (or triplets!).
I'll keep this updated with photos and signs that I watch for. Your job ~ should you decide to accept it ~ is to keep your eyes on my girls and alert me to anything I might be missing, as well as wave your knitting needles, say your prayers, cast your spells, or WHAT EVER you can do to bring them good luck for safe lambing and healthy babies. Thank You!


  1. I love the pictures and commentary. It helps me see what is happening to Ami. We are back to where we were before she went outside. I cleaned her pen and put up her dishes. She is such a lovely lady. We are enjoying each other.

  2. HA! So this is what it's like for the nice folks who wait out bunny litters on my site. :) OK, my part will be to spin up this GORGEOUS moorit shetland wool from the lovely lady I sheared a couple of weeks ago. Alice will be on my mind the whole time, I promise.

  3. Okay Alice....we're counting on you having some ewe lambs for us this year. We're thinking at least 2 and one of them HAS to be non Ag. You've had many many handsome boys. Don't you want some little girls?



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