Friday, August 25, 2006

Getting to know you....

Deb Sobkowiak came over yesterday afternoon to get acquainted with the ram lamb that she purchased from me: "Bluff Country Trinity". Trinity will be moving to his new home in a couple of weeks and Deb came out to do halter lessons with him. They hit it off famously!

I decided to work with "Black Diamond" (who hasn't had a halter lesson since he was a baby!) so Deb & I took the boys into the back yard to avoid the irritation of the other ram lambs being obnoxious. Here's Deb & Trinity while my girls look on from the side paddock...

This is what Diamond thought about doing halter lessons! Notice his tongue is spotted! Diamond is out of Flash Flood and sired by Windswept Bravo. I'll be showing him at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, MSSBA show, next month. Awesome ram lamb!

Diamond didn't seem to mind wearing the halter. It was actually walking, while wearing a halter that seemed a bit much for him! ;-) He stood, quite nicely and would eat cookies. But he really didn't want to move ...

In this photo, I've let go of Diamond to go take a picture of Deb and Trinity. Diamond just stood there! He didn't move!! I'm thinking: I may have to carry him into the ring, but he should stand real nice for the judge!

Dream says....
..."I don't know why Mom's paying so much attention to those boys lately..."


  1. Don't worry, Dream...she's just been busy helping your cousins find great homes (and she hasn't been talking to me either. I hope I haven't done something wrong. (sniff).
    It's hard for your Mum to let everyone go even though she knows they will be loved and cherished and well cared for. You are lucky! You get to stay with your Mum and help her keep all of you happy, healthy and one of the best flocks around.

  2. Silly Kat! Of course you haven't done anything wrong. I love your comments to my blog ~ I always look forward to seeing what you have to say ;-)



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