Thursday, April 03, 2008


ALICE and ZODIAK (Dream's mom)

At this time, my blog is running a day or so behind 'real' time. As I write this, tomorrow (Friday, 4/4) is shearing day. I did have everything set up for shearing LAST Friday ~ including two people (who took a half-day off work!) to come help. Unfortunately, my shearer's girlfriend had made plans and he couldn't risk angering her so he postponed. Friday morning!!! Let's just say that I was not particularly happy with my shearer.

Sheltering Pines SAVANNAH

However, this week was cold and damp and it may have been better for the sheep and goats that we waited. So, tomorrow is the big day. I thought I'd share a few pictures of my fluffy friends Before.

says "You're going to need this wheelbarrow to put all of my MOHAIR in!

The rams still have snow in their pasture!

OOPS! Gotta run....I just got an e-mail from my oldest daughter and she's trying to call me. (I only have one phone line and dial-up Internet.) More tomorrow!


  1. I sure hope all goes well at shearing for you, Nancy. We want to see lots of pictures of your nekked sheep! LOL!
    And there's my girls, Zodiak! I think she gets prettier each year.

  2. Thanks, Kathy. As always, I'll be very glad when shearing is done. I always stress and worry so. I'm sure that I drive the shearer nuts. Too bad ~ he OWES me this year!

    Yes, Zodiak really does seem to get more beautiful each year. Her fleece is very double coated; with the iset fibers being the outer coat What impresses me so with her is that her fleece is still quite SOFT! And she always gives me such beautiful lambs ~ with a much higher ratio of ewe lambs than ram lambs and LOTS of HSTs...

  3. I thought I had it wrong about last Friday being your shearing day. Shearers are an independent lot. Hope all goes well today.

  4. How did shearing go? We are waiting for pictures of nekked sheep and piles of wool!!!



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