Saturday, April 19, 2008

We're Even...

Alice had twin ram lambs before I even left for work this morning! Gotta Love that gal. When I checked her, at 6:30 am., she was in labor but not straining and still eating. When I checked her at 7:30 am., she had two cleaned off ram lambs, nursing ferociously. I dipped cords, gave Alice a pile of cookies and jugged the new family and made it to work on time!

One of the reasons that I like HST lambs so much is that they SHOW UP in pictures!! Alice's boys are varying shades of brown. Moorit. Dark brown? Who knows. One is a bit lighter than the other and has a more uniform crimp to his fleece. The darker one looks almost black and has a distinct 'sheen' to his fleece. I'll try to get some good pictures but it will probably have to wait until I can let them outside in the sunshine and on the grass...

The IMPORTANT thing is, mother and sons are doing fine. If you look closely at this picture, you'll see Alice's head, buried in the hay as she hungrily chows down! The boys look to be strong & healthy. Just what I've come to expect from Alice. They're Daddy is Sheltering Pines Crescent Moon so they carry HST spotting genetics. If they're anything like their half-siblings, they'll grow up to be show quality rams. It'll be fun watching these boys grow!

My sincerest Thank You to those of you who cheered Alice on! I know it seems silly but I always feel better if there are lots of people praying for her....

In the meantime ~ Zest is in labor...

DREAM says...

"Come Back!! You can still watch and cheer for Zaria and I and all the others!!!"

That's right Dreamer, we've still got 5 HST ewes left to lamb!!


  1. Yay, Alice! Glad everything came out OK, and all before Mom had to leave - how efficient!

    I am on my way to a NE Shetland Sheepbreeders meeting tomorrow to discuss...among other things... fleece color! Maybe we can shed some more "light" on the brown subject.

    Meanwhile, enjoy the babies!

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Hi Nancy,

    Congratulations to you and Alice!!! Are you off tomorrow? (Sunday) I would sure LOVE to come see those lambs in the afternoon or eve. I'm trying to get ALL my chores done here.
    I will be at church as of 8:45 am and back about noon. I washed Godiva's fleece today--a few parts of it when wet looked moorit, but I know they will dry fawn. Can hardly wait until it's all fluffy and dry. The grease pickings I was playing with are now rinsed, dried, and combed--ready to spin!

    Bummer, I leave on a business trip for IA early Wed am and not back until next Sunday. I hope I don't miss all the lambings. This is a very exciting time!


  3. That's wonderful news! Congratulations to all.

  4. Way to go, Alice! WooHoo!
    Amanda's boys are that deep rich brown as well. Hmm...maybe Skit got that from his mum! :)

    I can hardly wait to see all the other lambs! Tell Dream we're still watching...



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