The Shepherd says I've got the cutest ears she's ever seen on a newborn lamb and I get to stay! It didn't hurt than I came right up to her and love for her to scratch and rub me.

Shepherd/Mom also says I have very nice, straight legs and
perfect markings and really tight, crimpy fleece so I get to grow up here with my sheep Mom and all the other beautiful sheep in the Bluff Country! I know that it's mostly because Shepherd/Mom already
LOVES me. She took this picture of me, still wobbly, running up to her for loving. ;-)

Diva made me worry, but she came through! I thought sure that Dream was going to lamb last night so I got up at 4:30 in the morning to check on her. No babies from Dream but Diva was pushing everyone else's lambs away and making that 'chortling' sound that moms make to their new born lambs. Diva hadn't passed her water yet ~ at least that I could see; and her babies were still quite high (she didn't appear sunken). I was worried about a repeat of last year where she labored for 12 hours and needed help to deliver a malpresented lamb. I fretted for a while, and then came to the conclusion that there was nothing that I could do. I didn't want to attempt "going in" to check the position of the lamb when Diva wasn't even pushing yet. I can't afford to have an emergency vet call everytime Diva lambs. So, I went back to bed. Yes, I was scared. Yes, I felt guilty. And yes, I
prayed. When I got up to check again, at 7:15 this morning ~ expecting the worst ~ Diva had just delivered a very goopy, moorit/smirslet lamb with one white foot. This is the first time, I've had a non-HST lamb from an HST ewe, bred to an HST ram. Actually Diva did give me one onther non-HST, but that one was a flecket. Interesting. Then again, Diva's sire is not HST ~ he's a Moorit/Krunet (Underhill Thelonius Monk). It'll be interesting to keep track of that and see if it factors in, in future breedings...
Did I mention that they are both GIRLS?????
And yes, I thanked "The Shepherd". Repeatedly. Enthusiastically. Sincerely. For I know that without Him, none of this would be possible.
CHANCE says...
..."I'm staying TOO!"
P.S. Dreamer's busy ~ EATING!
(Think BOYS!!!) I Can't believe I'm saying that!